It took Her a very long time indeed to coax TYK back to friendship. And only achieved it with the subtle use of a little steak from His dinner. Gave some to Myself too so there was no chance of Feeling Left Out. Excellent meat it was too. Air-dried unless Myself is mistaken. (Never is.)
TB grew fed up with scattering the squirrels from Her re-planted crocus bulbs as they came less and less often so has moved onto the Freds & Fredettes that greet Him so cheerfully every morning and thus almost invariably get trodden under foot (big green welly boot that does them no damage whatsoever but merely pushes their face and pointy beak or any other part of their scrawny anatomy into the mud) in their ardent desire to investigate the kitchen scraps in the chicken pot. A confused sentence but one which admirably expresses the state of affairs by the chicken pen each morning. But there are Rather A Lot of them these days so as one group squawks and scatters thanks to TB's enthusiasm another re-forms to attack the food.