Flying Fur and a Flying Potato
YP met CM and boy, did the fur fly. I was an interested spectator up in the wisteria, just relaxing and making Plans when CM moseyed down to the end of YP's garden. Stupid mog then came in to investigate. Is quite sure it didn't see YP as it got hit hard in the middle and was spreadeagled against the fence. YP jumped on top. CM turned over and bit hard. YP bit back harder and they were at it, rolling around on the concrete and spitting worse than sodium on a bowl of water.
Good entertainment but She-Who-Lives-Up-The-Road heard the rumpus and came steaming down the back path with half-peeled potato in hand. Screamed louder than either of them and slung the potato at YP. It ducked and CM received it full force on its head. Lived up to its name and scuttled away in a big hurry. YP is a bit chewed and hopefully will have to visit the vet again.
Now raining hard so I shall stay up here until it stops. Nothing worse than getting wet feet when She isn't around to create a fuss about the muddy paw prints.